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View London Child Protection Procedures View London Child Protection Procedures

Quick Guide

Welcome to the latest version of the Islington Children's Social Care Procedures Manual.

For further information regarding the amendments or additions made in this edition please see Section 3, Amendments and Future Updates.

Before proceeding to the body of the manual, please read this 'Quick Guide'.


  1. Display and Browser Options
  2. About this Manual
  3. Amendments and Future Updates
  4. Register for Updates
  5. Keywords and Search
  6. Printing and Retaining Copies
  7. Compliance
  8. Copyright

1. Display and Browser Options

People with a visual impairment may have difficulty accessing this Manual.

To change the size of the text/layout - please use the accessibility button

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which are on the menu bar on the left side of every screen. Click a larger button to increase your text size, the very largest being high visibility mode.

If you have a colleague who may benefit from this facility, please bring it to their attention.

2. About this Manual

2.1 Status of the Manual

Islington Children's Social Care and tri.x have continued to collaborate in producing this latest version of the Procedures manual.

As you the reader and user of the manual become familiar with the way that it works, you might have comments that would improve the manual and make it more user friendly. You may even spot an error or a broken link. Whatever it is that you have to say about the manual, your comments are valuable.

This manual is linked to the London Child Protection Procedures. You can see these at any time by clicking on the button on the left of the screen.

2.2 What is Included

The manual is designed to contain all your policies, procedures and guidance:

  • Policies and Values: Our intention is for this section to be a 'one stop shop' for all the Policies, Values and Principles (Including the Islington Pledge to Looked After Children, Young People and Care Leavers. The Policy Values and Principles chapter is intended to summarise the key policies, values and principles for Children's Social Care. All procedures in this manual should be read in the context of this Chapter;
  • Procedures and Guidance: In an attempt to keep procedures succinct, procedures and more detailed guidance are separated, with links provided as appropriate;
    • 'Procedures' summarise how Managers and Staff must act in given circumstances;
    • 'Guidance' provides direction or advice to assist with making a decision or taking a course of action.

Procedures and Guidance are located in individual 'chapters' which are available from a 'traditional' Contents List - available on the menu bar on the left hand side of each screen.

2.3 Using the Contents List

Chapters are categorised or grouped together as follows:

  • Parts: The Manual contains procedures categorised under a number of Service Sectors, e.g. 'Looked After Services';
  • Sections: Within each Service Sector e.g. 'Looked After Services', you will find a Section (group of procedures) e.g. 'Adoption';
  • Chapters: Under each Section, you will find individual Chapters/Procedures e.g. 'Adoption Case Records'.

3. Amendments and Future Updates

Click here to view details of updates made to this manual.

Timetable for the Next Update

Tri.x and Islington Children's Social Care update this manual on a twice yearly basis. The next update is provisionally planned for publication in August 2023.

4. Register for Updates

We recommend that you register with us to automatically receive notification when the manual is updated, and be informed about the briefing papers we regularly publish. Click on the 'Register for Updates' button on the left side of the screen, to complete and send your details to us.

We will manage your data respectfully and in accordance with your preferences and we will never share your data with other organisations for marketing or other purposes.

5. Keywords and Search

5.1 Keywords

The manual is accessed by practitioners from varying agencies, who may find terms that they are not familiar with. Therefore, a large glossary (Keywords) of terms is available such as Notifiable Disease (Try it: click on the highlighted text). We call them 'Keywords'. Once clicked, the definitions will appear in a new window or tab, depending on your browser. You can leave it open for reference, or close it using the "close" button at the bottom.

5.2 Search

We have provided a Search function, available from the relevant button on the left hand menu bar. This will enable you to search for Chapter/Procedure titles and sub-sections within Chapters.

It will provide the best results if you know the title of the chapter or sub section, or if you have a good idea what the title is.

You may have to try different or alternative spellings/terms before you get the result you are looking for.

6. Printing and Retaining Copies

The Manual should normally be viewed on line but can be printed, for reference only.

To print a chapter, click on the print iconicon which is in the top right hand corner of the relevant procedure.

Please note, copies may be printed for reference only, they may NOT be retained for more than 3 working days or used for any other purpose (See Section 8, Copyright).

7. Compliance

7.1 Regulatory Compliance

Every effort has been taken to ensure regulatory compliance. If you discover any errors or mistakes, please alert your manager.

8. Copyright

The content of this manual can be accessed, printed and downloaded in an unaltered form, on a temporary basis, for personal study or reference purposes. However any content printed or downloaded may not be sold, licensed, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or in or on any media to any person without the prior written consent of tri.x.
