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1.1.3 Islington's Pledges to Looked After Children, Young people and Care Leavers

Young People have Chosen 10 Priorities

  1. We will only promise you things we know we can do.
  2. You will have the right to privacy unless it would be unsafe.
  3. Your social worker will be in regular contact and you will be able to talk to them alone on every visit.
  4. At the start of your placement, your carer will tell you how much pocket money you will get and you will be given it each week.
  5. You will have access to a computer and materials needed for your education and training.
  6. We will open a savings account for you and put at least £100 per year in it until you are 18.
  7. You will get good information about your placement and the area it is in. You will have a proper introduction to your carers unless it is an emergency placement.
  8. When appropriate we will ensure that you have access to the relevant sexual health information and support to enable you to make positive choices.
  9. We will work with housing providers to make sure accommodation for young people aged 16+, is of an acceptable quality.
  10. We will ensure that care leavers with children of their own have as much support as possible through their local community services.

If you think that any of these pledges have been broken or you have any other concerns about the care and support you receive please contact the In Care Council for advice.

You can also contact us if you would like to see the full list of pledges (there are about 50).

Young People will be involved in making sure the pledges are kept so if you want to help us with this please get in touch.

You can contact the In Care Council by:

Telephone: 0207 527 8694


Text: 0782 5098 270
