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View London Child Protection Procedures View London Child Protection Procedures


February 2023

Caption: February 2023
Updated Chapters
Chapter Title Details
Assessment Procedure This chapter has been refreshed.
Care and Supervision Proceedings and the Public Law Outline This chapter has been refreshed.
Guidance on Ending Child Protection Plans for Children who become Looked After This chapter has been refreshed.
Children and Families with No Recourse to Public Funds This chapter has been refreshed.
Children and Young People Aged 0 - 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Section 15, Resolving Disagreements has been updated in line with the First Tier Tribunal’s extended powers to hear appeals and make non-binding recommendations about health and social care aspects of Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans, provided those appeals also include education elements.
Looked After Unaccompanied and Trafficked Children This chapter has been amended to include information from the National Transfer Scheme Protocol for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children.
Islington Missing from Home and Care Procedures This chapter has been refreshed.
Prevention of Homelessness and Provision of Accommodation for 16 and 17 year olds who may be Homeless and/or require Accommodation; and Duty to Refer This chapter has been refreshed.
Relinquished Children This chapter has been updated to reflect case-law setting out lessons for the future in non-notification cases.
Decision to Look After This chapter has been refreshed.
Ceasing to Look After a Child This chapter has been updated to add a note regarding transferring a child’s belongings in appropriate luggage and includes a link to a link to NYAS, My Things Matter Report. (See Section 5, Administration / Process Issues).
Placements in Foster Care This chapter has been amended to add a link to the NYAS ‘My Things Matter’ Report – support and respect care-experienced children and their belongings when they move. (See Section 4, Placement Planning).
Placements in Residential Care This chapter has been amended to add a link to the NYAS ‘My Things Matter’ Report – support and respect care-experienced children and their belongings when they move. (See Section 2.3, Placement Planning).
Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds This chapter has been refreshed.
Remands to Local Authority Accommodation or to Youth Detention Accommodation Information has been added in to Section 4, Local Authority Accommodation, in relation to children under the age of 16 being placed in ‘other arrangements’ placements.
Contact with Parents / Adults and Siblings Section 3, Supervised Contact has been updated to reflect a finding by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman that the supervisor's observations of the contact must be clearly recorded in the child's record and shared with the parents within 3 months of the visit.
Education of Children with a Social Worker, Looked-after Children and Previously Looked-after Children This chapter has been updated to reflect Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021). Schools should have policies and processes in place to ensure all concerns about all adults working in or on behalf of the school or college (including supply teachers, volunteers and contractors) are dealt with promptly and appropriately. See Section 8.3, Protecting Children with a Social Worker, Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children from Adults Who May Pose a Risk to Them and/or Other Children in the School.
Holidays and School/Organisational Trips in the UK This chapter has been updated to include examples of risky activities in Section 2, School / Organisational Trips of up to 3 days Away.
Restrictive Physical Intervention This chapter has been refreshed.
Fostering Panel This chapter has been refreshed.
Allegations Against Foster Carers This chapter has been refreshed.
Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers A revised link has been made to Prepare for a review panel: adopters and foster carers.
Assessment and Approval of Prospective Adopters (Adoption North London) A revised link has been made to Prepare for a review panel: adopters and foster carers.
Placement for Adoption - Parental Consent This chapter has been amended to include changes made to the CoramBAAF Forms.
Adoption Case Records This chapter has been amended to include changes made to the CoramBAAF Forms.
Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records This chapter has been given a general refresh throughout and information added on applying for a copy of a birth certificate online.
Local Contacts This list has been updated.
Joint Agency Panel Policy and Procedure This document has been refreshed.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Title Details
Care Planning This chapter has been added to the manual.
Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management This chapter has been added to the manual.
Removed Chapters
  • BAAF Practice Note No 53 - Guidelines for the Testing of Looked After Children who are at risk of a Blood-Borne Infection

Next update: August 2023


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