2.9 Family Group Conferencing |
This chapter highlights the principles and good practice in relation to Family Group Conferences (FGCs). It also includes the criteria for making a referral and the new procedure on Liquid Logic Children’s System (LCS), and what a family plan should include.
If you are looking for any standard templates to use that are listed in these procedures, please click on the link below as this will take you to the Children's Social Care area of Izzi (the council's intranet).
NB: This is only possible if you are logged into the Council's network.
There are a lot of template documents there but if there is anything you cannot find, please contact the relevant Team or Operational Manager for the area of practice concerned.
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This chapter was entirely revised and updated in June 2016 and should be re-read in full.
- Introduction
- Principles and Practice Guidance
- The Criteria for a Family Group Conference Referral
- The New Procedure on LCS
- The Family Plan
Appendix 1: Family Group Conference- Workflow
Appendix 2: Family Group Conference – Social Work Report Template
Appendix 3: Family Group Conference – Information for Families
1. Introduction
The Family Group Conference Service takes referrals from the Children In Need and Children Looked After Services. It has recently started taking referrals from the Youth Offending Service and made some changes to the way a referral is made. This chapter explains both the principles and good practice in FGCs and also highlights the changes made.
2. Principles and Practice Guidance
The following Principles and Practice Guidance represents the standard of service that families and referrers can expect from the Islington Family Group Conference Service. They have been adapted from the national Principles & Practice Guidance.
The Principles set out what families should expect.
The Practice Guidance describes how the principles will be met.
Principle 1 | Families have the right to clear and appropriate information about the family group conference process. |
Practice |
Principle 2 |
Families have the right to be involved in the planning of the meeting |
Practice |
Principle 3 |
Family members have the right to be acknowledged as decision-makers in the family group conference process. |
Practice |
Principle 4 |
Families have the right to private time and a supportive and safe environment to make plans. |
Practice |
Principle 5 |
Families have the right to have safe plans agreed and resourced. |
Practice |
Principle 6 |
Families have the right to be involved in the development of family group conferences. |
Practice |
3. The Criteria for a Family Group Conference Referral
Criteria for accepting a Family Group Conference referral will be:
- During the course of Care Proceedings & pre-proceedings cases;
- To promote rehabilitation;
- To prevent family breakdown (e.g. as part of a Child Protection Plan or Child in Need Plan);
- For young people at risk of custody or young people coming out of custody.
Please note: The policy in Islington is that all families in pre-proceedings should be offered a Family Group Conference.
4. The New Procedure on LCS
- Social worker to explain the option of a family group conference with the parents / carers as an opportunity to be involved in decisions about the care of their children. FGC service leaflets are available here Appendix 3: Family Group Conference – Information for Families, in the CIN area (2nd floor, Upper Street) and the CLA area (2nd floor, Elwood Street), or from the FGC manager. See link to Izzi for the leaflet in pdf;
- If the parents / carers are reluctant to agree or would like more information about the FGC process, then the social worker can make a request to the FGC manager for a visit to the family by a FGC co-ordinator. They can then discuss the process and consider the implications of not going ahead with an FGC with an independent co-ordinator;
- Once the immediate family agree to a FGC referral, the social worker makes a referral to the FGC Service on LCS. A referral meeting or phone discussion is arranged when the FGC manager receives the referral in the FGC work tray. See the Family Group Conference Workflow;
- After the meeting or discussion over the phone, the referral is authorised by the FGC Manager and a decision is made to proceed with the referral, or not to if there is a valid reason;
- The referral is allocated to an independent FGC co-ordinator, who then meets with the social worker to assist in completing the Information for the Family (also known as the social worker’s report). The template for this can be accessed here Appendix 2: Family Group Conference – Social Work Report Template, via Izzi or directly from the FGC manager or co-ordinator;
- The social worker takes their report to the parent / carer to obtain their signed consent for the information on the report to be shared with all those who will be invited to attend the FGC;
- The signed report is uploaded on to ICS in ‘documents’ and sent to the FGC manager. At this point the FGC co-ordinator can begin to make contact with the family.
See: The Family Group Conference Workflow
5. The Family Plan
Islington Children’s Services are committed to supporting Family Group Conferences and working with the family plans that are made. This means that family plans will be agreed, implemented and resourced.
The Family Plan is the written document that is produced at a Family Group Conference. It will contain the decisions made by the family in relation to the concerns shared with them by the referrer (i.e. the social worker representing Islington Children’s Social Care). These decisions will be agreed by the social worker and the plan will make it clear what, if any, resources will be provided, by whom, and by when, as appropriate. In effect the family plan should be seen as a kind of service level agreement between the family and Islington Children’s Social Care. The plan is the only document to come out of a Family Group Conference and no minutes will be written.
What should be in the plan:
The family plan must be in the family’s own words and where they are used this must be made clear within the plan. The plan is clear about who will do what and when.
- Names of child(ren) who were the subjects of the FGC;
- Date and venue of FGC;
- A list of everyone who attended – it must be clear who each person is and their connection to the child;
- A list of who was invited but was unable to attend;
- A list of those to whom the plan will be sent, including those involved through statement or telephone call to the FGC but unable to attend or excluded from attending;
- Reason for the FGC – questions that the family were asked to address are included;
- The referrer’s response and agreement to the plan. If they cannot agree the plan immediately what will be the timescale for this to happen;
- Other agencies’ responses – as above;
- Names and contact details of those who have agreed to monitor the plan;
- Review conference – a record of how and when the plan will be reviewed;
- Name and signature of co-ordinator and contact details.
Appendix 1: Family Group Conference- Workflow
Appendix 2: Family Group Conference – Social Work Report Template
Appendix 3: Family Group Conference – Information for Families